Whether you are just getting started canning or you’ve been canning a long time, you’re always going to want to be on the lookout for good tomato recipes for canning, especially if you are growing tomatoes in your garden. I don’t know about you, but I always plant more tomato plants than I’m ever going to possibly need. You will probably recognize some of these recipes, but there might be a couple of new ones for you to try, like pickled cherry tomatoes, and tomato soup that tastes even better than Campbell’s tomato soup.
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Canning Tomato Sauce
When I’m trying to decide what to do with all of the tomatoes from my garden every year, tomato sauce always comes to mind. It’s really easy to make, and if you have a food mill you can easily get rid of the skins and seeds to make a thick and smooth tomato sauce that is perfect when you need a jar of tomato sauce for quick dinner. Check out my recipe for canning tomato sauce, you won’t be disappointed.
Canning Diced Tomatoes
Diced tomatoes are also pretty high on my list of things to can with fresh garden tomatoes. They take a little prep work too, but if you have a vegetable chopper, it makes the work easy and you will have diced tomatoes all ready for winter in no time. Here’s my recipe for canning diced tomatoes.
The Best Homemade Salsa
This homemade salsa recipe is my favorite salsa recipe for canning. I have tried a number of different salsa recipes, and this one is the best. It’s not too runny and not too thick. My family loves it! I give a lot of it away to family and friends during the holidays.
Canning Tomato Soup
This tomato soup canning recipe has a secret ingredient–Clear Jel, a thickener used in canning (for sauces and pie fillings). It ensures you don’t have runny soup and gives your tomato soup the same consistency of store bought tomato soup. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed!
Canning Chili
This chili recipe takes a little prep work. Make sure to leave yourself time to soak the beans and to cook the hamburger ahead of time. It’s worth the extra work though, so make sure you give it a try! It’s one of my favorite soup recipes for canning. Here’s my recipe for canning chili.
Canning Pickled Cherry Tomatoes
If you’ve never tried pickled tomatoes before, you need to give this recipe for canning pickled cherry tomatoes. I wasn’t sure if I would like them or not, but preserving them in this way is a great way to use up an excess of cherry tomatoes from your garden. They are great in salads, or just by themselves as a snack!
Canning V8 Juice
I have always liked V8 juice, and until I started searching for canning recipes I didn’t realize that you could can it! It’s relatively easy to make and you can use it in soups and stews as well as drink it. Here’s my recipe for canning homemade V8 juice.
Canning Pizza Sauce
I had never thought about canning homemade pizza sauce before, but it’s really good! You prepare it the same way that you do tomato sauce or barbecue sauce. It just has different spices added to it. It’s definitely worth trying, my family really enjoys homemade pizza once in awhile. Here’s my recipe for canning pizza sauce.
Canning Green Tomato Salsa
The end of summer always seems to sneak up on me, and I always end up with a bunch of green tomatoes that I don’t know what to do with. You can bring them indoors and try to ripen them, but they are also great when you make them into some green tomato salsa verde. It’s really easy to make, and really good!
Canning Sweet and Sour Sauce
The first time I tried canning sweet and sour sauce, I was hooked. It’s really easy to make and even better than the sweet and sour sauce you can buy at the store. I started giving it away to family and friends as holiday gifts and they kept asking for more. It makes a great gift!
Canning Spaghetti Sauce
Homemade spaghetti sauce is so good! Canning spaghetti sauce is easy too, although you will need a pressure canner for canning it. The vegetables in this spaghetti sauce have a low acidity level that require pressure canning. It is worth the effort, though! Pressure canning instructions are included.
Canning Barbecue Sauce
Homemade barbecue sauce is fun to make, and tastes really good too. It is similar to making homemade pizza sauce, the seasonings are just different. If you like this recipe you might also like my recipe for apricot barbecue sauce. It’s so good! Here’s my recipe for canning barbecue sauce.
Canning Relish
I’m a big fan of relish, on hot dogs and hamburgers! I didn’t know you can make and can homemade relish, but you can! I was skeptical of how it would turn out, but it’s really good. One jar lasts quite awhile, so you probably only need to make a couple and they will last you a long time. Here’s my recipe for canning relish.
Follow my canning and preserving board on Pinterest.