FAQs » BioBeet KVASS (2024)

What Probiotics are in Kvass? +

Organic Bio-Beet Kvass has been tested Lab tested positive for seven strains of hardy probiotics that will survive the journey through your digestive system:

  1. Lactobacillus Plantarum
  2. Lactobacillus Brevis
  3. Lactobacillus Buchneri
  4. Lactobacillus Paracasei
  5. Lactococcus Lactis
  6. Pediococcus Pentosaccus
  7. Leuconostoc Mesenteroides

At bottling the CFU/g in our Kvass has been tested at a whopping 48,000,000,000. Please note: fermented foods are dynamic living systems which means that the CFU/g is a snapshot in time and will change throughout the life of the ferment. Also, whilst we love these awesome probiotics in our fermented foods we're also just as interested in the health giving properties of the prebiotics in our ferments and all the amazing healing postbiotics that these bacteria make during their lifespans.

How do I use Bio-beet KVASS? +

We recommend that you start small and slow with 1-10 mls (this gives your body time to adjust) and build up to 30 mls or more daily - for example first thing in the morning, with meals, in the mid-afternoon or 30mins - 2 hrs before workout/activity.

  • Shoot it or sip slowly - the way we like it!

  • Mix for a long cool drink. Our current sugar free favourite: Bio-Beet Kvass with cucumber infused sparkling mineral water, lime and ice. Delicious!

  • Boost your favourite juices or smoothies.

  • Mix with a healthy oil to use as a salad dressing or for dressing warm dishes.

  • For a pop of colour and flavour add to dips, mayonnaise, sushi or gummy sweets.

  • The essential ingredient for an authentic borscht soup - raw and cold in summer or cooked and hot in winter. Or add a dash to your broth. Delicious!

  • Use as a starter for making your own ferments at home including making your own sourdough starter.

  • Can replace apple cider vinegar.

Why do I need to start small and slow? +

Fermented foods are powerfully good for you - which means that when you first start out you can definitely have too much, too soon and as a result experience some not so pleasant symptoms as your body adjusts and responds. We regularly have people who can comfortably consume the equivalent of 5mls or a teaspoon of Bio-Beet Kvass daily for up to a month before they are ready to start increasing that amount. Our advice is to stick with it and trust your body - it wants to go slow for a good reason. Building your digestive health slowly but surely rather than blasting it with too much of a good thing is a much better way to go.

Can I drink more than 30mls? +

Customers often say to us that they feel like drinking a lot more than 30mls. We have noticed that sometimes people have a powerful response to fermented foods. Perhaps it’s because of all those readily available probiotics, enzymes and nutrients and your body knows it and wants more! Our recommendation is to once again go with your ‘gut’. When you have built up to consuming 30 mls per day comfortably you can drink as much as 120ml or more daily. You will know when you don’t need to drink that much anymore because you just won’t feel like it.

Can I use Bio-beet Kvass as an energy or stamina drink? +

Fermented sour beverages are the original sports drinks - often used by labourers when working in the fields in times gone past. Bio-beet Kvass is very effective as a stamina drink due to the high level of Nitrates in beetroot and the bio-availability of these fermented Nitrates. Bio-Beet Kvass will effectively increase your stamina and energy levels and won’t leave you with a low afterwards. Take approximately 30mins to one hour before needed or post workout to aid recovery.

Post over-indulgence or hangover? +

The ultimate hangover cure - Bio-beet Kvass is a well known antidote for the day after too much rich food and/or alcohol.

How do I keep Bio-beet Kvass and what is the shelf life? +

KEEP REFRIDGERATED or store in a cool dark space below 20 degrees. Unopened Organic Bio-Beet Kvass has a shelf life of approximately 8 months. Once opened keep in the fridge and consume within 6 weeks. Kvass is neutrally acidified and hence preserved so won’t ‘go off’ however it will slowly oxidise as it is exposed to air which effects the taste.

Are the white flecks okay? +

Sometimes small white flecks may appear on the surface of our Kvass - this is a perfectly harmless yeast culture called Kahm yeast that can be consumed or strained off.

Do I need to shake the bottle? +

The small amount of sediment left in the bottle is part of what keeps the probiotics in our ferments healthy and happy. It is better not to shake the Kvass before use. However, you can shake our sauerkraut juice - it tends to have much more sediment and looks and tastes better after a shake.

My Bio-beet Kvass is fizzy – is that okay? +

Yes – Kvass is naturally effervescent from the carbon dioxide produced during the lacto-fermentation process. Every individual ferment is different and some are more fizzy than others while some are not very fizzy at all. The important thing to note is this does not change the quality or efficiacy of the product. Our Kvass tends towards being less fizzy with a deeper taste as we prefer to ferment for a longer time.

My Kvass is different from the last one I had? +

When fermenting every individual batch is different and mostly that does not mean that one batch is better than the other – just predictability different. In addition as we continue to develop our biodynamic culture our Kvass is changing slowly as it continues to improve. For us the ongoing process of building the quality of our ferments is what makes our work really interesting. If you are in any doubt, please contact us via our website, return your product to the store you purchased it from or come and see us at the farmers market.

Diets and allergy information +

Organic Bio-Beet Kvass is allergen free: we pride ourselves on producing a clean product - it's safe for most diets and is a very beneficial addition to anti-inflammatory, gut healing or plantbased diets. It's gluten, dairy, soy, nut, alcohol, sugar and anything artificial free. Unlike short-term ferments our Kvass is low in histamines and because it has no residual sugar will not aggravate overgrowths such as Candida. Rather it will help to preclude yeast, fungal and unwanted microbial over growths.

Is Bio-beet Kvass suitable for vegans? +

Yes - we use a vegetable based starter with no animal products.

Will Kvass set off my Candida? +

No - Bio-Beet Kvass does not contain any residual sugars but does contain metabolites that will assist in precluding yeast overgrowths such as Candida albicans and other pathogens. If you are concerned about a Candida it is best to avoid fermented products that do contain residual sugars such as Kombucha or Water Kefir.

What about the salt? +

Sometimes we meet people who are concerned about the use of salt in lacto-fermented foods. Cultured vegetables taste salty but the percentage of salt in them is actually very low. We have experimented with our salt levels and got them down as low as we think is workable. We have even made ferments without salt - which did not taste nearly as good! We have a number of regular customers who are very conscious of their salt consumption due to health issues such as hypertension. The majority of these customers have done very well on our Kvass and some have reported improvements in their health. As an aside: beetroot is fantastic for hypertension. We use a whole food Celtic sea salt in our ferments which along with sodium has over 80 different trace minerals in it including iodine. Whole food salts are digested by the body very differently compared with the 100% bleached sodium that some of us grew up with. It is important to note that we do need salt – without it we die. A study published in the American Journal of Medicine in 2006 reads “Sodium intake of less than 2300mg (the daily recommended allowance) was associated with a 37% increase in cardiovascular disease mortality and a 28% increase of all-cause mortality”. As with most things, common sense and balance are key.

I’m lacto-intolerant can I have lacto-fermented food? +

Fermented vegetables do not contain lactose or casein unless a whey starter has been used. The term “Lacto” in this case refers to the lactic acid that is produced by the action of the Lactobacillus bacteria.

Does your Bio-beet Kvass contain alcohol? +

Beet kvass is a lacto-ferment. We prepare the beets in a manner that encourages the production of lactic and acetic acid rather than alcohol. Both of us are very sensitive to alcohol and have not detected any trace amounts in our Kvass.

Should I drink apple cider vinegar as well as Kvass? +

Bio-Beet Kvass replaces the need for Apple Cider Vinegar.

Why has my urine turned pink? +

This is called Beeturia and sometimes occurs when you consume beetroot. It is perfectly natural and normal.

How do I travel with Kvass? +

A number of customers have successfully packed our Kvass in their hold luggage for both interstate and international travel. Generally we like the ambient temperature for our kvass to be below 22DegC - which is the case with the majority of air travel.

Do you ship interstate and overseas? +

Yes - we ship within Australia. The most economical method is to ship 4 x 750ml bottles at a time.We don’t ship overseas as the freight is prohibitive. A number of customers have asked friends to carry our Kvass for them in their hold luggage.

Can I take Kvass when I’m pregnant? +

Yes you can. We recommend three out of our range of six Bio-Beet Kvass while pregnant: RESTORE, RENEW and DIGEST.If replenishing Iron is something that you are interested in we would recommend our RENEW - Beetroot, fresh turmeric root and black pepper. Because of the herbs we use in our REPLENISH, DETOX or RECHARGE we recommend that you check with your health professional first before use.

Can I take Kvass with antibiotics? +

Generally yes unless your health professional has advised otherwise. Antibiotics indiscriminately wipe out your gut bacteria and re-building your microbiota is a priority after you have taken them. We have no evidence as to the impact of spacing the taking of antibiotics with Kvass, however we suggest take the Kvass and leave a window of a couple of hours before or after you take your antibiotics.

Is Kvass suitable for babies and young children? +

If you are drinking Kvass and breast feeding then your baby will be getting the benefits of the Kvass. Young children only need half the adult dose – some love it, others have a sweet palate and the Kvass is a challenge to be mixed in with juices, smoothies, sparkling water, coconut water or salad dressings. Evidence suggests that new foods need to be offered to children at least 10-15 times before they will begin to like it!

Is Kvass a medicine or therapeutic product? +

Bio-beet Kvass is a fermented food rich in probiotics, digestive enzymes and nutrients with a number of health benefits as widely reported in scientific papers on fermented foods, beetroot, turmeric, ginger, fennel, etc. Like many good quality whole foods our fermented foods restore and build health by supporting your body’s awesome ability to heal itself, they are not medicines or therapeutic products. Individuals should consult their health professional for medical advice on specific conditions.

What does bio-dynamic mean? +

“Bio-dynamic” means “life force” and acknowledges that nature is both living and dynamic and much more than the nutrients we can isolate from it. Having trained in Biodynamic Agriculture we wanted to optimise the living nutrition in our fermented products by applying biodynamic principles to our process. Like many artisan food producers we believe this approach can improve the quality, taste and potency of our products. It is a method that treats the ferment as a living system that interacts with the environment including the rhythms of the cosmos - hence the Biodynamic Calendar. We use a two tiered fermentation process when making our kvass which includes the use of our own biodynamic starter culture and its microbiota plus other supportive processes for our ferments such asactivating the spring water before use and using a biodynamic calendar as a guide for when we undertake certain processes.

I’m a health practitioner and interested in using your ferments as food-based support for my clients? +

We would love to hear from you. We feel that the potential for fermented foods for restoring and supporting ongoing good health is enormous and still very under-explored. At present we have a small number of clinicians who stock our products in their health practice. In our experience getting the dose right can be the biggest challenge and we would be very happy to share our experiences with interested practitioners.

Is Bio-Beet Kvass Raw? +

Yes - our Kvass is raw and unpasteurised. We use a long ferment to ensure the product is stable but it does need to be refrigerated, especially after opening.


FAQs » BioBeet KVASS (2024)


Can you drink too much beet kvass? ›

CAN I HAVE TOO MUCH? BEET KVASS is a live cultured tonic, so whilst you become accustomed to its incredible living properties, it is best to start out slow and steady. Drinking too much too soon can result in unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, abdominal discomfort, nausea or loose stools.

How much beet kvass should I drink per day? ›

I recommend 1 tbsp a day for a few days to make sure it is tolerated. Then you can slowly increase up to 1 cup per day or meal.

How long is kvass good for after opening? ›

How long will my product last in the refrigerator? Keep our sauerkraut in the fridge for 6-9 months and our kvass for 6-8 weeks.

How do you know when beet kvass is done? ›

Let the jar sit out at room temperature for 48 hours. Taste the kvass. If it's a little sweet and a little tangy, it's probably ready. Put the lid back on and store in the refrigerator.

Why do I feel weird after drinking beet juice? ›

oxalic acid causes burning throat, mouth, breathing difficulty, stomach pain. some people r allergic to beet root. they may suffer stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes, hives, itchiness, chills, fever.

Why do I feel dizzy after drinking beet juice? ›

A doctor can advise on whether drinking beet juice alongside taking medications to lower blood pressure may lower a person's blood pressure too much. If this occurs, the individual may experience symptoms such as : dizziness or lightheadedness. blurry vision.

Does beet kvass need to be refrigerated? ›

they will need to be refrigerated when you receive them.

Due to the live nature of the product, a change in pressurization or temperature may mean the product will leak. Please do not be alarmed. This is normal, just refrigerate them the day that you receive your package.

Is beet kvass good for your liver? ›

Beet Kvass is a traditional fermented Russian drink that supports healthy liver detoxification, contains various nutrients, and only requires 3 ingredients!

Does beet kvass lower blood pressure? ›

When fermented, they become a boon to digestion, as well, both for their probiotic benefits as well as their nutritional profile. Beets cleanse the liver and alkalinize the blood, stimulate blood flow to the brain while lowering blood pressure.

Is kvass good for the gut? ›

Recent animal research confirms the gastrointestinal benefits of beet kvass, showing it helps to improve the gut ecosystem and metabolic activity. Beet kvass tastes slightly salty and tangy and has a little fizz to it. This is a very powerful drink so treat it with respect.

Does kvass dehydrate you? ›

Interestingly, isotonic solutions will hydrate our body faster than water! To be considered isotonic, the solution must have osmolarity of 270-330 mOsm/kg (De Fusco et al., 2019). The osmolarity of Quas is around 285 mOsm/kg, so our kvass can be called an isotonic drink.

Is kvass high in sugar? ›

Naturally fermented kvass contains 5.9%±0.02 carbohydrates, of which 5.7%±0.02 are sugars (mostly fructose, glucose, and maltose), as well as 0.71±0.09, 1.28±0.12, and 18.14±0.48 mg/100 g of thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin respectively.

Why is my beet kvass slimy? ›

Beet brine is very thick and viscous because beets have so much sugar. The other thing is that 3 days isn't very long for a ferment like this and sometimes there is a thick slimy phase in fermentation that will work itself out.

Can you get buzzed from kvass? ›

Usually, kvass contains not more than 1.5% of alcohol by volume, but if it stands for longer time, the concentration can become 2.5% or higher. Unlike beer, the kvass is generally considered to be a nonalcoholic beverage and is drunk by children of all ages without any limit.

How often should I burp kvass? ›

The first day is likely fine to leave it alone but any day taken further, and your kvass should carefully be “burped” and stirred at least once a day.

What are the side effects of drinking too much beet juice? ›

Beet is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts. Beet can make urine or stools appear pink or red. But this is not harmful. There is concern that beets might cause low calcium levels and kidney damage.

Is 2 cups of beet juice a day too much? ›

Two cups of beetroot juice daily are recommended to achieve nitrate levels beneficial for cardiovascular health. While recent scientific interest in beetroot juice has surged, historical reports suggest its use as a natural medicine dates back to Roman times.

How much is too much beetroot a day? ›

The oxalates found in beets can increase your uric acid level, meaning that too many beets can lead to gout. To avoid this, stick to no more than a single half-cup serving of beets per day.

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