Recovering abandoned checkouts (2024)

An abandoned checkout refers to a checkout process that remains incomplete, even though the customer has provided their email information. This occurs when the customer doesn't proceed with payment to finalize their order. A checkout is considered abandoned if it remains incomplete for more than ten minutes after the customer has provided their email information.

Items in a customers cart at the time that they abandoned the checkout aren't saved.

Abandoned checkout recovery is available only for the Online Store sales channel, the Buy Button sales channel, and the Plus Wholesale Channel. Abandoned checkouts on Shopify POS or third-party sales channels won't receive a checkout recovery email.

On this page

  • Review your abandoned checkouts
  • View payment events from an abandoned checkout
  • Automatically email a customer a link to their abandoned checkout
  • Manually email a customer a link to their abandoned checkout
  • Abandoned checkouts email report

Review your abandoned checkouts

You can review your abandoned checkouts to find patterns that might suggest why your customers aren't completing orders.

Abandoned checkouts are removed from the Shopify admin on the following Monday in cases where the following is true:

  • created more than 3 months ago
  • not updated in 1 month
  • no transaction or completed order attached to them

If there's a particular abandoned checkout you want to retain, then you can create a draft order with the same details and leave it open in your Shopify admin.

There is no way to delete a specific abandoned checkout.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.

  2. Click Abandoned checkouts.

View payment events from an abandoned checkout

Each time a customer tries to pay for their order, a payment event is noted in the Timeline of the abandoned checkout. You can expand payment events for more details.

Payment events can be helpful if a customer is trying to place an order and their payment fails. If a customer contacts you because their payment doesn't work at checkout, then you can view the details of the payment event, and use the information to help your customer.

If your customer successfully paid at checkout, then instead go to the order's timeline to view payment events.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders > Abandoned checkouts.

  2. Click an abandoned checkout.

  3. On the abandoned checkout details page, go to Timeline.

  4. Click a payment event.

Automatically email a customer a link to their abandoned checkout

You can automatically send an email to customers after they have abandoned their checkout. Each email contains a link to the customer's abandoned cart, allowing them to complete their checkout if they choose. You can edit the email template by adding a logo or changing the color scheme.

A recovery email is not sent for an abandoned checkout in the following circ*mstances:

  • If a potential customer creates one or more abandoned checkouts and then completes a sale before the recovery email gets sent, then the email won't be sent.
  • If a payment processing error occurred when the customer tried to complete their checkout, then the email won't be sent.
  • If your shop does not support shipping to the customer's address, then the email won't be sent.
  • If you allow customers to enter a phone number instead of an email address at checkout, and the customer chooses to enter a phone number, then the email can't be sent.
  • If none of the products in the checkout are available for purchase (empty inventory, for example), then the email won't be sent.
  • If all the products in the checkout are free, and the customer does not visit the shipping page to add a shipping fee or the shipping fee is also free, then the email won't be sent.

If you have configured your shop to automatically send recovery emails, then the Abandoned checkouts page will contain tooltips explaining why recovery emails were not delivered.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Checkout.
  2. In the Abandoned checkouts section, check Automatically send abandoned checkout emails.
  3. Under Send to, choose who you want to send a checkout recovery email to:
    • Anyone who abandons a checkout
    • Email subscribers who abandon a checkout
  4. Under Send after, select the number of hours that Shopify should wait before sending the abandoned checkout email:
    • Never. You can still manually send an email to customers.
    • 1 hour later
    • 6 hours later
    • 10 hours later (default)
    • 24 hours later
  5. Click Save.

You can review the status of each abandoned order email by going to Orders and then clicking Abandoned checkouts. The status of each recovery email is found under the Email status column. The status of the abandoned checkout can be found under Recovery status.

After an email is sent, the checkout is considered recovered after the customer completes the order. A customer can either click the recovery link in the email or complete the checkout on their own.

Manually email a customer a link to their abandoned checkout

You can choose to manually send an abandoned checkout email to a customer. The email contains a link to the customer's abandoned cart, allowing them to complete their checkout. You might want to send the abandoned checkout email manually when you haven't set up the automation, or when your customer requests the abandoned checkout link.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Orders > Abandoned checkouts.
  2. Click the number of the abandoned checkout that you want to recover.
  3. Click the customer’s email under the customer information.

Your email client launches with the abandoned checkout link in the email body.

If the customer completes their order using that link, then the Recovery status on the Abandoned checkout page updates to display as recovered.

Abandoned checkouts email report

The Abandoned checkouts emails report by Shopify helps you better understand how effective those emails are at bringing your customers back to finish a transaction. It's available in the Marketing section of Shopify.

The report tells you how many sessions and completed orders have resulted from the reminder emails. You can also review information like conversion rates, total amount of sales, average order value, average number of products sold, and how many customers were first-time customers.

The report displays data only from November 18, 2019 onwards.

Recovering abandoned checkouts (2024)


How to handle abandoned checkouts? ›

Follow up with customers after checkout abandonment with an email. Ask them if they want to pick up their cart and return to where they left off, making it easy for them to get back into the checkout process. If you don't want to seem pushy, ask them for feedback about why they abandoned their purchase.

Why am I getting so many abandoned checkouts on Shopify? ›

Reasons for Shopify Cart Abandonment

There can be numerous hurdles between selecting the 'Add to Cart' button and finalizing the payment in your ecommerce store. These could range from high shipping costs and mandatory account creation to a complex checkout process, or perhaps the customer is simply window shopping.

What are the statistics for checkout abandonment? ›

The average cart abandonment rate is 69.99%, according to Baymard Institute. This is an average of 48 shopping cart abandonment studies, which range from 56% to 81%.

What is a good abandoned cart recovery rate? ›

The conclusion: If your abandoned cart recovery rate is above 10%, you are doing a decent job.

How to convert abandoned checkouts? ›

7 strategies to turn abandoned carts into sales
  1. Display shipping options on your product pages. ...
  2. Give customers a guest checkout option. ...
  3. Create a comprehensive return policy and link to it from multiple places. ...
  4. Offering multiple payment methods at checkout. ...
  5. Exit intent pop-ups. ...
  6. Sending cart recovery emails. ...
  7. Retargeting ads.
Feb 3, 2022

What will be your strategy approaching a customer who has an abandoned cart? ›

Winning Back Abandoned Carts

Here's a winning strategy to bring them back: - Timely Email Reminders: Send personalized email reminders to customers who've left items in their carts. Highlight the products, offer assistance, and even provide a limited-time discount to encourage them to complete the purchase.

Why do I have a lot of abandoned checkouts? ›

Lack of payment methods

The less options available to your customers, the more likely they are to abandon. If customers add items to cart only to learn they can't buy using the payment option they want, they may leave. Solution: Give customers as many payment options as you can.

Why do I have so many abandoned checkouts? ›

Whatever the costs may be — shipping, taxes and other service fees — they're a leading cause for cart abandonment. According to the 2021 study 'Reasons For Abandonment' by the Baymard Institute, an estimated 49% of respondents cited high extra costs as their primary reason for cart abandonment.

Can I delete abandoned checkouts in Shopify? ›

Yes. From the Shopify admin site, click Order then Abandoned Checkouts. It's recommended to review the checkout before deleting them outright.

What is the difference between cart abandonment and checkout abandonment? ›

Cart abandonment is when a shopper adds an item for purchase to their cart during browsing, but then drops off the site or app without completing the purchase. Checkout abandonment is when a customer that has initiated the checkout process does not complete the purchase.

Why is shopping cart abandonment so common for online retailers? ›

Complexity - Online shoppers have a short attention span and will abandon the checkout flow if it is too complex or time consuming. Avoid this by making the checkout process as easy and painless as possible. Browsing - Many users who add items to the cart but don't complete are just browsing with low buying intent.

How can I increase my abandonment rate at checkout? ›

Optimize Your Store to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment. Offer a pleasant user interface and a simple checkout process that uses familiar language so that users know what to expect. Next, ensure your checkout process is secure and offer varied payment options to give customers more flexibility.

Is abandoned cart recovery worth it? ›

It allows you to better optimize your store for conversions so you can increase sales. Keep in mind that the customer showed interest in the product, even if it resulted in cart abandonment. If a customer abandoned their cart but were planning to buy your product, they'll be happy to complete their purchase.

Does abandoned cart recovery work? ›

Abandoned cart recovery is surprisingly easy and can save a lot of money for eCommerce websites. The cost of recovering a cart is typically much less than the cost of acquiring a new shopper. This is also because the company knows exactly what the shopper is looking for and can offer personalized deals.

What is the formula for shopping cart abandonment? ›

The Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate is calculated by dividing the total number of completed purchases by the number of shopping carts created. Subtract the result from one and then multiply by 100 for the abandonment rate.

What can you do with abandoned shopping carts? ›

What can you do if you see an abandoned cart? Call the store that owns the cart and request that the cart be retrieved. If you don't know which store to call, contact California Shopping Cart Retrieval at (800) 252-4613 or online at

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.